Monday, October 5, 2009

Paranormal Activity

Holy crap! Holy crap! Holy crap! Filmed in 2007, but more popular in 2009 this is a MUST SEE movie that will not be playing everywhere. You can see if it is playing in a theatre near you or vote for a theatre near you here. Yes, HERE!

I don't think I have been genuinely scared at a movie, since... Well, okay, since H2, but this was way different! Because after H2, I could go to sleep; after this movie, my adrenaline was pumping FAR too much to go to sleep and it took awhile for that to settle.

Don't be fooled into thinking that this movie is real! I never thought it was real, it just had me going.

Now, a lot of people have been comparing this movie to the Blair Witch Project. This can be explained do to the filming style. This is filmed much the same, with great exceptions. First, Paranormal Activity is mainly filmed from a tri pod as we are viewing the activity happening as the couple is asleep. Second, when the camera is moving, it is moving slowly and not flopping all over the place, like in The Blair Witch Project.

Another thing that makes this film so realistic and believable is that it is an Indie film, meaning no one in the movie is on the Hollywood A list, or the F list for that matter.

OH! The ending is also left open for a second movie; although building off of this would be a mistake and probbaly bomb and destroy the originality.

Expert Says: 5 Stars; if you have the chance, don't miss out on this movie!

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