Thursday, October 29, 2009

X-Men Orgins: Wolverine

I didn't even know I liked movies like this! Curtis actually dragged me to see this, I wasn't looking forward to it. I mean, comic books, really? This is a totally guy movie. It's like making me sit through Million Dollar Baby (which I would never do, because uh, it looks gay!).

But, it turns out I totally dig stuff like this!

Something that I HATE is watching shit out of order. Like, I haven't seen Nip/Tuck in YEARS because there was a period of 6 months that I didn't have television and couldn't watch it. I refuse to just pick it back up again, because it will spoil the surprise. So, you can imagine my joy when I found out that this was the ORGIN movie! That I didn't have to watch any of the other ones to know what was going on, because THIS movie explains and leads one up to the events of X-Men and X2. YIPPE!

So, first, Wolverine (Jackman) so HOT! Yumm! I mean, I wasn't drooling over him in the theatre, partly due to the company, but he played the part well!

UGH! I can't get over what happened to his wife though! It still bothers me that she was a traitor turned good. Like, fuck her and all her stupid metaphorical stories for the universe and the stars and shit. She should have been following her own advice. I totally love her power though! Controlling people! That's awesome! I wish I could so that just by touching someone.

Anyway, I should have known that I would like this movie, especially since I am completely in love with Clark Kent on Smallville. In my defense, I didn't even know it was the story of "Superman" until my Mom's boyfriend gave it away while I was watching Season 4 on T.V. one year. Yea, I told you. I don't do comic books.

Expert Says: 5 Stars, take the kids, or don't, but this is a must see!

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