Friday, October 9, 2009


This movie is just all around funny. I love Juno's (Page) sarcasm throughout. There is a lot of symbolism in this movie that shows these kids are in high school, like a hamburger phone. Really? Who had a hamburger phone? Who WANTED a hamburger phone?

I think Juno's Dad (Simmons) and step-mom (Janney) handled the situation WAY too calmly. How would you react if your [future] 16 year old daughter told you she was pregnant? I'd go through the roof! And NO WAY would I let the father of the baby get away with it. Juno's parents don't even tell the GUYS parents that he got someone knocked up! They would be the first people I called. I guess in a way it shows the typical un-involvement on the high school daddy to the [young] woman's pregnancy.

And what the heck was going on with Juno and future adoption baby daddy (Bateman)? Juno totally liked him and he seemed to like her back? But, they never crossed that invisible line. I mean, come one? As much as we wanted Bateman to leave his over the top, neat and control freak, Suzzie homemaker wife and future adoption baby momma (Garner) we would have HATED him if he tried anything with a pregnant 16 year old. So, why even SHOW the attraction in the movie?

I think Juno had one realistic moment in the movie where she was complaining that real baby daddy, Paulie (Cera) was going to prom with someone else, while she was stuck being pregnant and not going to prom. She threw a little fit and she had every right! How dare him. Pregnancy is a 'we' not a 'she.' (I just made that up, how does it sound? Good?).

I don't even know how to categorize the music in this movie. It's sort of, reggae meets alternative meets old school punk meets John Mayer??? Whatever it is... It's good.

Anyway, the movie is still funny, the sarcasm and one-liners are hilarious and I can watch it over and over again. Great job.

OH! My favorite line from the movie is when Juno was taking like her 3rd pregnancy test at the local drug store and the clerk was like, "This is one doodle that can't be undid, Home Skillet."

Expert Says: 4.5 Stars; sarcastically funny

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