Friday, October 23, 2009


Why, yes! I have decided that I can have a guest blogger. It took me a long time to finally get this guy to write this review and he did it all by himself (minimal editing on my part). Please do appreciate it. The guest blogger has never blogged before, and only reads mine to criticize my reviews, actually to find out if I gave a movie an accurate-in-his-mind rating. You can find him on facebook, my boyfriend Curtis Fields and his review.

This movie was very hyped up in the beginning when the trailers came out for it. People were comparing it to the infamous underground hit Event Horizon. Upon seeing the first trailer I too saw a distinct connect in space horror, and what appeared to be a good story with unique characters.

So naturally, when I went into the film, I suspected that it would have the same feel as Event Horizon; but, much to my disappointment this was not so.

The first ten minutes of the movie started out very well. It was fast paced, with the crew awakening from cryo-sleep, and discovering that they have been stasis for many years longer than they were supposed to be. From there on it pretty much went down hill.

After one of the crew members found a way from the bridge to the rest of the ship he discovers “space monsters” attacking other crew members. The whole setup with the dark, abandoned and creepiness of the ship was right on up there with Event Horizon, but as soon as the space monsters were introduced, I cringed. It was such a cheap card to play when you’re making a horror film.

Event Horizon was so awesome, because it left this out and only dealt with the paranoia and the psychological aspects. The rest of the film is pretty much the main characters running around avoiding these monsters. The Main Character manages to meet-up with some other crew members in which they hatch a plan to get to the ship reactor in hopes to power up the ship and launch the escape pods in order to abandon ship. They successfully do this.

The ending was quite surprising, and I don’t want to give it away. The movie also fell short on really focusing on Pandorum, which is what space travelers experience when fear, paranoia, and a state of delusion affect their minds as a result of being in deep space.

Pros- good characters and a good premise.

Cons - bad story and a horrible ideas of space monsters for a movie that was hyped up as a psychological space horror film. I was disappointed with that.

Expert Says: 2.5 Stars; I recommend waiting for this one on DVD.

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