Monday, October 12, 2009

A Knight's Tale

As I mention in every single movie I watch that is based in the "olden days," I love these movies!

I have to admit, playing "We Will Rock You" by Queen kind of ruined the mood. That wasn't the only time some good 'ole Rock & Roll was played during this movie either. *sigh*

Did anyone ever watch the "updated" remake of Romeo and Juliet, the one with Leonardo DeCaprio? Horrible, right? They took a good fashioned movie and tried to modernize it. This is kind of what The Knight's Tale is. A good old fashioned story that is modernized.

The only keeping this movie from getting less that 3 stars is Heath Ledger, he is brilliant as a knight and just. Yum! Oh! I must admit that I did greatly enjoy listening to the Introduction of the Knight Orik (AKA Ledger). That character did a good job too!

The fact that there was a moral of the story helps the star count too. "Change your stars." Oh! The "follow your feet" one was really good too...

Let me help you understand a little better. William (Ledger) is the son of a peasant who is following around a knight and helping him train for tournaments, etc... Said knight kills himself, so William posses as a knight. Eventually, he is dubbed a 'Sir,' makes his blind peasant father proud, changes his stars (i.e. destiny), and follows his feet home.

Expert Says: 3 Stars; poor attempt at modernization

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