Friday, February 5, 2010

Babylon A.D.

Through out this ENTIRE movie I was thinking, what the hell is with this girl? I caught on pretty early what she was capable of and your brain capacity. However, I wasn't exactly sure HOW or WHY.

Isn't Vin Diesel yummy? He is yummy. I don't think I have ever seen him perform poorly. In a movie silly! Perform poorly in a movie!

So, this movie takes place in the WAY future. Actually, it might have only been about 50 years from now. I can't remember, but there was highly advanced technology. Including passports implanted in one's neck. Apparently... Diesel WANTS to be in the US, but he was banded a long time ago, if he goes back he will be arrested, and it's impossible to fake the passport.

Some terrorist/rich/Russian Mob man comes to Diesel and gives him an offer he can't refuse. Deliver the girl to the US and live like a free man. Unfortunately, he wasn't entirely aware of what he had got himself into. Thierry (the girl) has lived sheltered from the entire world her whole life. BUT she somehow knows A LOT! A LOT of shit. She would be like the ultimate player in any kind of game. She can process information quickly and retain a lot of information, like a computer. Diesel thinks she might be carrying a virus and vows to kill her if she is.

Come to find out, she is harmless.

There are some twists and turns in this movie. It's a little lame, but it gets points for being original. Plus, there is only a semi-happy ending. I do wish it were a full happy ending, but then it wouldn't be what it is.

OH! And this movie looses major points for pulling the whole religious, virgin Mary card. So lame!

Expert Says: 3.5 Stars, Decent movie, check it out for yourself.

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