Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Death Race

It's a prison movie, so you can't really go wrong, but it it's more like Shawshank Redemption meets The Condemned. Prisoners are filmed racing and it is then broadcast to the rest of the world via internet. Except instead of a TV producer behind this stunt, it is the prison's warden. After a prisoners wins 5 races, literally to the death, he is then released.

Frankenstein has one more race left to win before he is a free man. Only Frankenstein dies. Warden Hennessey needs to keep ratings up and Frankenstein does that. So she brings in Jensem Ames to "play" Frank and potentially earn his freedom in the end. Soon, Ames discovers that Hennessey has no intention on setting anyone free. Driven by the life of his daughter, Ames must find a way to out wit Hennessey and free himself before death approaches.

The movie gets cheesy in the special effects and graphics department. I'm referring to some of the stuff the vehicles endure. THOUSANDS of bullets and none of them breach the surface of the vehicle. For the most part.

There is a perfect ending... Well, a perfect ending to me, one that meets MY criteria. I liked the movie and thought it was really enjoyable... It only looses some points on graphic cheesiness!

Expert Says: 4 Stars, cheesy plot, still enjoyable

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