Monday, February 8, 2010


When I first saw this movie I thought it was pretty cool. Secret agents, spies, curving bullets, magic wax. etc.

Then, I really sat down and thought about the movie and I have to say it wasn't as good as I thought.

First, thinking back the movie reminds me a little bit like a bad modernized Charlie's Angels minus 2 chicks, plus one guy. There is this mystery about who's killed and who lives. Oh and there is this one part where Jolie tries to get all sentimental on us... it doesn't really work, I can't picture her as the "I feel sorry for you" type. She is more of the, you screwed me, so I am going to screw you type.

They really couldn't have picked a better cast for the film. The filming was great and the acting was good. The plot just sucked. Someone brought up a point to me, it's not real, none of it can ever happen and you can't curve a bullet.

I guess that's true, science proves we can't curve a bullet. Has science ruled out witchcraft, fairies, or unicorns yet? Because that would really crash my dreams.

The worst part of the movie that made me say, "WHY DID YOU HAVE TO DO THAT?" A Loom? Really? A Loom? Such BULL SHIT!

Expert Says: 3 Stars, the plot was lame after thinking about it, but it was still fun to watch.

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