Monday, February 8, 2010

Sweet November

This movie is different. For those of you who don't know. We get the illusion that Sara (Theron) takes in one man each month, then after the month ends she kicks them out. Her logic for this is that she wants to help the man grow and gain something he is missing (i.e. confidence) or loose something he doesn't need (i.e. workaholic). So, one man a month is living with her, and she is a sleeping with them. She is a total whore right? Wrong.

As the movie continues on, I started to think that she was BRILLIANT. I mean, how many times do us women get our heart broken or get in too seriously too quickly and everything falls a part? Well, her method avoids all of that. I believe Sara said, in regard to why the man only stays for a month, "because it is long enough to be meaningful but short enough to stay out of trouble." Sara is having these great relationships and then getting our before it gets to serious.

What happens next? Nelson does or should I call him November.

Nelson, a workaholic who just lost his job and his girlfriend found is way to Sara's apartment and became her November. November changed Sara when he found out that he happy-go-lucky attitude was a cover up to something much greater. But, November is in love and nothing is going to stand in the way on Sara.

We WANT Sara to be happy and be with Nelson. Will November be able to crack old habits and force her to settle down with one man? Or will Sara prove to be more stubborn than any of thought and turn down true love?

Experts Says: 4.5 Stars, Cute Love Story.

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