Friday, November 20, 2009


This is one of the few movies that I couldn't watch the whole thing. That is really saying something! I can sit through over 4 hours of crap and still be entertained; but this movie? Nope. I couldn't do it.

First, from what I gathered, the whole movie takes place in a hotel/enclosed apartment complex type setting. Lame! I need varience, really, you are trying to scare people with this shit.

Secondly, the camera is stupid and it just goes to show how much I dislike the whole Blair Witch type filming. With the exception of District 9 (which wasn't all shaky camera) and Paranormal Activity (in which case there camera wasn't shaky it just wasn't a professional one).

Needless to say, if I couldn't finish watching it, it MOST definitly is not worth seeing.

The last part of this movie that I remember watching was when some lady "attacked" a police officer and bit off a piece of his neck. Was that right? It was so horrible, I can't even remember it.

Experts Says: 0 Stars, don't waste your time or money!

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