Monday, November 16, 2009


I think I am really starting to get into this blog. As I was watching the movie I kept thinking about what kind of review I was going to write about it. I was also trying to figure out which actors were who in real life. For example, I thought Charlie Frost (Harrelson) was Owen Wilson. Honest mistake, right? I mean they look SOOO much a like. I might have mistaken Danny Glover, who played the US President for Morgan Freeman. Or was it Denzel?

This movie was so sad. The ultimate destination of the movie was of course the end of the world, however, the movie promoted so many more morals than that.

Government conspiracy. Money. Greed. "Purchasing" life. Sacrifice. Helping Others. Common Good. Decency. Selfishness. Lies.

I cried. Not so much because the movie was sad, but because I was menstrual and seeing things differently. When I go to a movie I like to PUT MYSELF in the movie. I like to become the characters, or at least try, and try I must since I lack an imagination. For some reason I kept getting stuck on becoming the people who were drowning, falling into the ocean, being blown up, or just not surviving. The other part probably came from the fact, that I wouldn't be able to afford the seat on the "life boat" and I would be one of those average Joe's whose fate was predetermined. Also, I'm buying a house and I much rather would have spent all of the money on say a vacation!

I don't believe that the world is coming to end in 2012. I think that religions are constantly under more and more pressure for non-believers on when their supposed "day" is coming and this is just another excuse for ill-minded and ignorant people to fall victim to the religious trap. They are praying on these helpless people much like the corporate world does. Only this is free marketing. Another reason I don't like religion... Religion is a market, and a profitable one! The only difference between the Christian/Catholic/Methodist/etc. church and that company who sells a product to wipe my ass clean with is that Religious entities REFUSE to admit that they are apart of the marketplace. I digress...

The movie is worth seeing. There are several story lines that are tied together in the end. They do their best to keep you guessing; however, we all kind of know that the world ends, so we're not on the edge of our seat in suspense. Come to mention it I was on the edge of my seat. My bladder felt like it was going to explode about 45 minutes into the movie and only got worse as it continued forward, I refused to leave and miss something. GOOD STUFF!

The reason this movie didn't get 5 stars from me? They kind of incorporated religious bull shit, seriously? 2 of each kind of animal? We already read this story, Noah and his arc. We didn't believe it then, why would we believe it now? Also, I wanted them to be on giant rocket ships that took everyone to a different planet to start a new life (minus the placate walk to the tree like in Knowing), and the fact that I am pretty sure I read that book before TOO and I wish I could remember the name of it. It was good!

Experts Says: 4 Stars, made me cry, worth seeing


  1. My wife was a wreck after it cuz of all the Daddy issues. Every daddy except John Cusac dies! Srsly!

    On another topic- 2 1/2 hours? They could have cut it down at LEAST half an hour and not lost anything, probably a full hour.

    Also, I get that John Cusac has magic powers, but he's on the edge of (ash cloud, crumbling road, fireball, runway disintegrating...) at least 7 times. That's just silly.

    I'd give it a 3 because of the explosions, but they lost points for the length and the Magic John Cusac effect.


  2. Oh, where are YOU going to be on Dec 21, 2012? I'm thinking it's time for a trip to Payson ;)

    With a stack of bibles of course. And a "cheerios" pool raft. Hee Hee!
