Tuesday, November 10, 2009


It is nearing closer and closer to the release date of Twilight's New Moon and I am SOOO excited. Although, there is one other movie that I am going to go see before New Moon, and that is only because Lover won't see New Moon with me, but will FOR SURE go see The Blind Side with me!

Anyway, back to Twilight. I thought that since the movie was coming out I might as well right a review about the first one, before I see the second one.

My first problem with this movie is not that it is based off of a book, because we all know I like those movies. It is that I actually read the book, before watching the movie. So, I had the events planned out in my head, I knew how I felt, how the love felt, I knew what I expected to see and that was nothing less than love and affection like one would read in those smutty romance novels I like to read. *sigh*

THAT, however, is not what I got. What I got was a Teen Flick. I know. It was a teen book, but do you know how many ADULTS were reading and falling in love with that series? They could have catered the movie to an adult audience and still kept it PG 13, okay.

Edward wasn't who I wanted, I expected Edward to be more the Emitt, but sexier. However, after seeing the movie they did a good job on the cast. The acting wasn't bad. It could have been better, but it wasn't bad, they did a good job.

The script was the awful part! The entire movie was rushed. Rushed. They skipped a lot of important scenes and they didn't quite show Edward's suffering for Bella or his love. They went from just meeting, to being ABSOLUTELY in love. I think that people who didn't read the book were lost and confused. The movie is only 122 minutes! I think they could have made it like another hour longer, really! It could have been the next Titanic, people still would have gone to see it and I bet people would have been MUCH happier.

My favorite part of the book was Chapter 13, when Edward "showed" Bella who is was on the mountain top. He was suppose to sparkle like thousands of diamonds. Well, he did. BUT, in the book it is suppose to be bright, like BRIGHT and noticeable. If I saw someone sparkling like Edward was in the movie, I would just think they were sweaty and needed a shower *sigh* So, my favorite part was ruined.

It did nothing to capture the book which was disappointing.

Oh, and I kind of dislike what this movie is becoming. Casting new actors/actresses to play a part. Like Victoria's part played by Rachelle Lafevre is going to be played by someone else in the Third movie. Umm... That TOTALLY takes away from the "reality" (shut up!) of it all...

Experts Says: 3 Stars, the book is better

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