Monday, August 31, 2009

G.I. Joe - Rise of Cobra

So, if this movie didn't have Mr. Yummy (Channing Tatum) in it, I probably never would have wanted to watch it. Another, "someone wants to rule the World again." I don't think anyones really wants to rule the World. If someone did, there would be nothing left for him or her (yes her) to do. You made it to the top of the ladder, you make everyone behave how you want them too. Now what? *claps hands* What the heck are you going to do?

No... See, people like to aspire to rule to the World. They want to try to get to the top; they don't actually think they will succeed.

I digress... Where was I again?

OH YEA! Mr. Yummy... Hard core, bad ass, hard, mmmm....

Now, don't be fooled this is not the male version of G.I. Jane. I know, I'm young. This movie is actually about G.I. Joes, like the action figures!!! Apparently, these were once movies and they are now being remade. Maybe they were comic books first. Who knows? Who cares? Mr. Yummy is involved so I HAD to see this.

Action, action, action. With some kick ass technology, hot brunettes, human controlling technology, what the heck wasn't in this movie? Oh yea, sex! But don't worry, I think they filmed the next 2 movies and after that there is 1 more. I think! Don't hold that against me.

So, these guys. They are elite. They are secret. A scandal is involved. The World is in danger and we need hot guys and girls to save us.

Of course, no movie is fully finished unless equipped with a love story and in the end he does get the girl. So, because this movie still could have been a movie (and a great one) without some once-a-blonde skank trying to take my man, it looses some points.

Expert Says: 4 Stars; Watch it; Take the kids; love it.

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