Monday, August 31, 2009


Why does a Mom (Farmiga) who already has 2 kids (Bennett & Engineer) want to adopt a grown child from a different country? There might be some Angelina Jolie in the hearts of all Mom's after all.

Unfortunatly, this orphan has a deep past that she'll do anything to protect from surfacing, no matter what the cost.

Through her tricks and play Esther (Furhman) fools everyone except Kate into believing she is a harmless little girl. Kate must fight to protect her children and get Esther far from her house and husband. Only, no one believes her and only after she is forsed into the hospital does she get hard evidence as to Esther's true identity.

This movie keeps your attention. It's suspensful, mysterious, and dramatic. The ending is left open for a secquile, one I will want to see.

Expert Says: 4 Stars; don't take the kids; curl up on the couch with popcorn; you can't miss this one.

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