Monday, January 18, 2010


Have you seen this movie? It's pretty frightening. This is the second time I have watched it. The first time left me in quakes and despair as I was recently scheduled to have my wisdom teeth removed and would be going under anesthesia. Not a great experience. Luckily, I was not "awake" during the procedure and woke up wanting more. I was also blessed with laughing gas, which I also enjoyed greatly and would love some street junkie to sell me a serving so that I might revive myself once again.

Back to the movie...

The movie opens up with some startling facts:

"Each year, over 21,000,000 people receive general anesthesia. The vast majority go to sleep peacefully. They remember nothing. 30,000 of these patients are not so fortunate. They find themselves unable to sleep. Trapped in a phenomenon known as anesthesia awareness. These victims are completely paralyzed. They cannot scream for help. They are awake.”

FREAKY! So, basically we know that some muther effer is going to be going through a lot of pain.

Total scandal in this movie! I know I have mentioned before that I love a movie with any sort of scandal involved. Government scandals are my favorite, but I will take Gold Diggin whore as a very close second. They really would have got to split $100 million? *sigh* Somebody slap me in the face so that I can come back to reality.

I felt as though the movie was well put together. I didn't see the twist in the story at all and was shocked. I like how the doctors then ran, I mean seriously? They ran? Who would really think they could get away with it?

I also enjoyed the out of body experience that Clay had during the operation and the meeting with his Mom while "in between." I could watch this movie a couple of times and still freak out over the whole open heart surgery and being awake during it. "Opps, there goes a rib." Come on guys!!!

Expert Says: 4 Stars, a must see for those who like a scandal.

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