Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Star Trek

I use to make fun of people who liked these kind of movies. They are a little dorky, a little nerdy, and pretty lame. At least, that is what I thought until Lover made me watch Star Trek with him. He got this movie on Blu-Ray for his birthday and wanted to watch it as soon as possible.

I shocked my own taste, when I discovered that I actually LIKED this movie. It's still a little dorky and nerdy, but it is also a little cool. The acting could use some work, the lines were too "planed out." During some conversations it felt as though the actors/actresses were simply reading them and they characters could use more character. I also felt like I was "learning a lesson" the whole time which is lame too. So, because of that this movie lost some points.


The plot was cool, the aliens were realistic and not green eyed monsters. Actions don't surprise me, and I like the idea of things happening that are "out of this world." I'm talking about time traveling and the whole idea of black holes.

I hope they improved on their acting skills in the next movies (there are more right?). Plus, Zoe Saldana had to of gained some experience in Avatar. See here and here.

Expert Says: 3.5 Stars, neat movie.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

2010 Wish List

I am doing something a little different for this blog. I am going to make a list of all the movies I want to see in 2010. Something that I have noticed from the past. The beginning of the year is horrible, awfully horrible for movies. No one wants to release a good movie at the beginning of the year, because come award show time, no one will remember. It's totally lame and leaves everyone bored and unable to go to the movies and watch a decent film.

The List:

The Lovely Bones
The Book of Eli
House of Numbers
When in Rome
Dear John
Valentine's Day
Shutter Island
Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightening Thief
Remember Me
City Island
Season of the Witch
The Bounty Hunter
The Runaways
Clash of the Titans
Diary of a Wimpy Kid
Tyler Perry's Why Did I Get Married Too
Date Night
The Losers
A Nightmare on Elm Street
Iron Man 2
Letter to Juliet
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
The A-Team
The Karate Kid
The Twilight Saga: Eclipse
The Last Airbender
The Sorcerer's Apprentice
Eat, Pray, Love
The Roommate
Guardians of Ga'Hoole
You Again
Let Me In
Your Highness
Paranormal Activity Sequel
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
Tron: Legacy
The Green Hornet

These are the movies I am looking forward to. What movie are you looking forward to in 2010?

Monday, January 18, 2010

What Women Want

Surprisingly enough, this is one of Lover's favorite movies. Or so it would appear - he doesn't normally buy DVDs of movies he doesn't like and when we merged our collections we ended up with two.

Here's the thing... I am a fan of the love story, but I hate how EVERYTHING has to turn into a love story. I don't for one second believe that if a man had the ability to read the minds of women, that he would come clean about it OR confess that he was using it to his advantage. Really? If I could read one person's mind I would use it to my advantage. I wouldn't take advantage of the person, but mind reading would certainly take away the bull shitting and getting to know one another stage.

This movie starts off hilarious! It incorporates all the needed aspects, family, sex, and career. We probably could have gone without the whole Prom ordeal. I mean the actually prom event, not the events that lead up to it. Who cares if she slept with her boyfriend of not? I certainly don't! I just liked hearing that she was lying to you about it!

Again, the love story was over done. I didn't see the chemistry AT ALL and it ruined the film for me. This movie has the right idea, but flew with it in the wrong direction.

Experts Says - 3 Stars, not one of my favorites.


Have you seen this movie? It's pretty frightening. This is the second time I have watched it. The first time left me in quakes and despair as I was recently scheduled to have my wisdom teeth removed and would be going under anesthesia. Not a great experience. Luckily, I was not "awake" during the procedure and woke up wanting more. I was also blessed with laughing gas, which I also enjoyed greatly and would love some street junkie to sell me a serving so that I might revive myself once again.

Back to the movie...

The movie opens up with some startling facts:

"Each year, over 21,000,000 people receive general anesthesia. The vast majority go to sleep peacefully. They remember nothing. 30,000 of these patients are not so fortunate. They find themselves unable to sleep. Trapped in a phenomenon known as anesthesia awareness. These victims are completely paralyzed. They cannot scream for help. They are awake.”

FREAKY! So, basically we know that some muther effer is going to be going through a lot of pain.

Total scandal in this movie! I know I have mentioned before that I love a movie with any sort of scandal involved. Government scandals are my favorite, but I will take Gold Diggin whore as a very close second. They really would have got to split $100 million? *sigh* Somebody slap me in the face so that I can come back to reality.

I felt as though the movie was well put together. I didn't see the twist in the story at all and was shocked. I like how the doctors then ran, I mean seriously? They ran? Who would really think they could get away with it?

I also enjoyed the out of body experience that Clay had during the operation and the meeting with his Mom while "in between." I could watch this movie a couple of times and still freak out over the whole open heart surgery and being awake during it. "Opps, there goes a rib." Come on guys!!!

Expert Says: 4 Stars, a must see for those who like a scandal.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Avatar 3D

Obviously the story hasn't changed. So, if you want my review of the movie go here.

Now, on to the IMAX 3D experience.

First, I have never seen ANY movie in 3D, NOR have I seen a movie at the IMAX theatre.

Now, I have to admit that I like Hartkin's Cine Capri screen at Tempe Marketplace MUCH better than the IMAX screen. Second, I think my eyes and mind can sense when someone or something is trying to deceive them, because I saw very little in 3D. In fact, the only time I really noticed it was in 3D was when they were in the woods. It looked like the plants were RIGHT THERE! I mean, I felt as though I could reach out and touch them and it was REALLY cool!

However, that wasn't much of a 3D experience. If I was going to see any movie in 3D, I am glad it was this one, because I LOVE THIS MOVIE! It is AWESOME! In fact, I cannot wait until it comes out on DVD! I am DEFINITELY getting it in BluRay. And, if I don't have surround sound at the time, I will buy it to watch this movie!

Expert Says: 3D doesn't work on me. That still can't make this movie bad, NOTHING can!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

It's Complicated

This movie? Hilarious.

I have to admit I never thought that I was a Meryl Streep fan, but I have come to realize that she really can do no wrong.

There is so much wit and sarcasm in this film. To be honest I probably could have done without the love story. It's not really a love story to begin with, but I think the audience would have been just as happy with the illusion that Streep and Baldwin spent the rest of their lives getting in on behind the other ones back.
Oh! Introducing pot into the mix, classic!

Expert Says: 4 Stars, Witty, Humorous, Sarcastic

Monday, January 4, 2010


Awesome can't even begin to describe this movie! Some say it was a bit cliche, well they can kiss my ass. The story line was great and maybe I haven't been watching the right movies, but I would not call it cliche.

The graphics, Oh my! The graphics were wonderful and I didn't even see it in 3D!

You have, have, HAVE to go see this movie. Go see it twice! I guarantee you will be just as entertained as the first time.

Now for the plot...

This movie only further demonstrates why I absolute HATE the U.S. Military. Yup. I hate them. Not only are the men womanizers, rapists, and chauvinistic, they are just plain ASSHOLES who have this holier than now attitude. The same can be said for the government. I fully believe that if it came down to it, the government would of course destroy a race, from ANOTHER planet, for nothing more than money! ASSHOLES! I hate you! I love the movie, hate the world!

Oh, I wish that I could live on that planet and be blue! :P

It was so good, I am actually going to go see it again... in 3D... at the IMAX.

Expert Says: 5 Stars, An absolute must see, take the family