Thursday, October 29, 2009

X-Men Orgins: Wolverine

I didn't even know I liked movies like this! Curtis actually dragged me to see this, I wasn't looking forward to it. I mean, comic books, really? This is a totally guy movie. It's like making me sit through Million Dollar Baby (which I would never do, because uh, it looks gay!).

But, it turns out I totally dig stuff like this!

Something that I HATE is watching shit out of order. Like, I haven't seen Nip/Tuck in YEARS because there was a period of 6 months that I didn't have television and couldn't watch it. I refuse to just pick it back up again, because it will spoil the surprise. So, you can imagine my joy when I found out that this was the ORGIN movie! That I didn't have to watch any of the other ones to know what was going on, because THIS movie explains and leads one up to the events of X-Men and X2. YIPPE!

So, first, Wolverine (Jackman) so HOT! Yumm! I mean, I wasn't drooling over him in the theatre, partly due to the company, but he played the part well!

UGH! I can't get over what happened to his wife though! It still bothers me that she was a traitor turned good. Like, fuck her and all her stupid metaphorical stories for the universe and the stars and shit. She should have been following her own advice. I totally love her power though! Controlling people! That's awesome! I wish I could so that just by touching someone.

Anyway, I should have known that I would like this movie, especially since I am completely in love with Clark Kent on Smallville. In my defense, I didn't even know it was the story of "Superman" until my Mom's boyfriend gave it away while I was watching Season 4 on T.V. one year. Yea, I told you. I don't do comic books.

Expert Says: 5 Stars, take the kids, or don't, but this is a must see!

Friday, October 23, 2009


Why, yes! I have decided that I can have a guest blogger. It took me a long time to finally get this guy to write this review and he did it all by himself (minimal editing on my part). Please do appreciate it. The guest blogger has never blogged before, and only reads mine to criticize my reviews, actually to find out if I gave a movie an accurate-in-his-mind rating. You can find him on facebook, my boyfriend Curtis Fields and his review.

This movie was very hyped up in the beginning when the trailers came out for it. People were comparing it to the infamous underground hit Event Horizon. Upon seeing the first trailer I too saw a distinct connect in space horror, and what appeared to be a good story with unique characters.

So naturally, when I went into the film, I suspected that it would have the same feel as Event Horizon; but, much to my disappointment this was not so.

The first ten minutes of the movie started out very well. It was fast paced, with the crew awakening from cryo-sleep, and discovering that they have been stasis for many years longer than they were supposed to be. From there on it pretty much went down hill.

After one of the crew members found a way from the bridge to the rest of the ship he discovers “space monsters” attacking other crew members. The whole setup with the dark, abandoned and creepiness of the ship was right on up there with Event Horizon, but as soon as the space monsters were introduced, I cringed. It was such a cheap card to play when you’re making a horror film.

Event Horizon was so awesome, because it left this out and only dealt with the paranoia and the psychological aspects. The rest of the film is pretty much the main characters running around avoiding these monsters. The Main Character manages to meet-up with some other crew members in which they hatch a plan to get to the ship reactor in hopes to power up the ship and launch the escape pods in order to abandon ship. They successfully do this.

The ending was quite surprising, and I don’t want to give it away. The movie also fell short on really focusing on Pandorum, which is what space travelers experience when fear, paranoia, and a state of delusion affect their minds as a result of being in deep space.

Pros- good characters and a good premise.

Cons - bad story and a horrible ideas of space monsters for a movie that was hyped up as a psychological space horror film. I was disappointed with that.

Expert Says: 2.5 Stars; I recommend waiting for this one on DVD.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Lakeview Terrace

In the mood for some Samuel L. Jackson? Don't turn to this movie.
Really? The whole movie is about a dirty cop (Jackson) who doesn't like the fact that his new beautiful black neighbor is dating a white boy who likes rap music. So, he tries to PUSH this new family out of the neighborhood. His attempts are poor. His antics are childish. And this story is poorly written. There are some entertaining parts, but you will only find yourself disappointed.
Expert Says: 1 Star, Not a movie to see.

Coach Carter

I'm not big into sports movies and this is because I am not big into sports. Yea, crazy, right? I like physically GOING to watch an event, but seeing it on T.V.? BORING! I do love Samuel L. Jackson.
This movie was a little different. This movie wasn't so much about the game of basketball, as it is about the teammates struggle in a deprived and uneducated area. Family, society, drugs, loosing ones self, loosing hope... Gaining strength, new friends, a team, success. This movie has almost everything and is beautifully told.
End the end the team gets more than just a championship. Come on, we all like to see people who have nothing, come to have everything they asked for.
Expert Says: 5 Stars, something the WHOLE family can enjoy.

G.I. Jane

I didn't get to watch this movie when it first came out. I'm certain it was at least 2 years later before I saw it. I saw it again recently and I was reminded of WHY I wanted to join the Navy at one point in my life.

I am one of those individuals, like Jordan (Moore), who HATES to be told that I cannot do something, and DO NOT even think about telling me I cannot do it for reasons that I cannot control. Like age, gender, sexual preference, etc...

Demi Moore tells the military to kiss her ass and with the help of a Senator gets to join the Navy SEALS, a career that even today females cannot do.

This movie shows the brutality towards women soldiers and the discrimination we face. Jordan had to go through many, many lengths in order to be accepted by her fellow comrades. She shaved her hair off, and told them to, "SUCK MY DICK." Cheers all around for that last one.

Eventually, politics and money took an even bigger toll and the Senator stopped back up Jordan, which forced her to leave the SEALS. It was a long and rigorous fight.

Expert Says: 5 Stars, male of female you will enjoy this movie.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Law Abiding Citizen

I enjoyed this movie entirely. Gerard Butler gave me goosebumps, not because of his good looks, but because of his passion. He is a killer and while I don't condone killing, and I do agree that some innocent people were killed by him in the movie, it was justified. I can't say that if someone killed my daughter and husband, that I wouldn't do the same.

I wondered throughout the whole thing, HOW the HELL he was getting away with these murders? No, not getting away with DOING the murders, but ACTUALLY commiting the murders when he is locked behind bars. You start to think that he is some hunt/tracking genius! Genius!

I wanted him to get away with the murders. I want everyone dead, so that he could walk free with his dignity and feeling of justice being served; because he is right, the system is flawed. One murder (THE MAIN MURDER, and while they didn't exactly mention/prove it, I know he was the rapist as well) got away with EVERYTHING! He served like 3 or 5 years. BULL SHIT!

That murder was genius!

Towards the end of the movie, I looked at my boyfriend and said, "this is my favorite movie now. It beats Rent." Well, I did speak a little too soon. This was an amazing movie and it is one of my favorites, BUT the ending is LAME, and certainly NOT the ending I wanted.

They reveal how he is doing it WAY too soon and WAY too fast. While it would have sucked, I would have been happy NOT knowing the HOW, rather than sit through the way the ending unfolded. Now, they should have waited until the last scene was over, and then do the flash backs of how it happened, THAT would have been okay. The ending wa indeed rushed and it made me sad. It was the last 15 minutes of the movie that took it away from my #1 movie. Rent, still holds that spot!

Expert Says: 5 stars, A must see, you can't miss this one.

Friday, October 16, 2009

The Other Boleyn Girl

This movie didn't get nearly as much hype as it should have, and was highly under promoted. I hadn't even heard of this movie until I saw it on DVD, but as soon as I pressed play I feel in love.

It is hard to not be captivated by the beauty of Anne (Portman) and Mary (Johansson) Boleyn in this movie. Set in past, and about the creation of Queen Elizabeth, I am sure this movie is not all factual. Even if the movie is only HALF true, it is a great story depicting the lengths a man is willing to go, in order to "bed" a lady.

Typical to families today, this movie depicts one sister who is sweat, kind, and caring; while the other sister is manipulative, callus, and deceiving. From there, you can pretty guess the lengths that are gone to in order to fight for the King.

This movie does a poor job of depicting time. They make it seem like a 3 years journey. When, in reality, this happened over a time of 5-8 years. It's still only a minor detail as this movie was not intended to be a biography or entirely factual.

You will wonder to the end what comes of the sisters and who wins in the end.

Expert Says: 5 Stars, one of my favorites!


Will Smith can do so much. We've all watched him in many different roles and characters and he always does such a great job. You can't teach that. I like "Superhero" movies. While Hancock (Smith) isn't exactly your standard super hero, he is misguided, depressed, and lonely.

Until he meets a high end marketing guru Ray (Bateman) and his wife Mary (Theron). Things from his past unfolding and everything makes since. The reason this movie is so good is partly, because of it's Sci-Fi(ness) and alter reality(ness). People from a different planet that could possibly live forever and cannot be harmed! WHAT? Yes, wouldn't that be so cool.

This movie brings out our inner childhood and let's our imagination run ramped.

Expert Says: 4 Stars, there is something in this for everyone.

P.S. I Love You

So, because a new movie came out today, Law Abiding Citizen, with Gerard Butler, I thought I would do a tribute/pre-post/something in his honor. Okay, I just wanted to write a review about this movie and I am using this as an excuse.

So, tell me! This is the THIRD movie that Gerard Butler has been in this year, right? Gamer (which I wanted to see, but didn't), The Ugly Truth, and now Law Abiding Citizen (which I haven't seen yet, but will tonight so you can bet your ass there will be a review waiting for you Monday morning); and these aren't just fly by night movies. These movies did pretty well in the box office. Butler has been around for awhile, many years. But, he has only recently (after P.S. I Love You) gotten "famous" if you will.

In P.S. I Love You, Butler ISN'T EVEN IN IT! I take that back, I should give him more credit than that. He narrates (not like a story book) the whole thing and he is in scenes. From minute one, I feel in love with him and they hadn't even gotten into their apartment yet. He was a wholesome man, and realistic man, and he loved Holly (Swank) with all of his heart.

So, what is this movie about? It's not about their cute little relationship. Or Gerry (Butler) leaving Holly notes around the apartment. Nope, those Bastards tricked us Suckers into believing this movie was going to be a happy-go-lucky, typical romance film. That's not what you get. Gerry dies and leaves behind the love of his life Holly to deal with it. But, that is not all! He leaves behind notes. He leaves part of him behind and he, while dead, helps her on her journey of cooping with his death. YES! I know right! Amazing. Gerry knew he was going to die soon, but didn't tell Holly this.

He "forces" her to do things that doesn't want to, to let loose, quit being a prude, have fun, and more importantly move on. Holly's journey/tale/quest will take you on your very own emotional journey. Just don't ask your significant other if he/she would do the same for you, they won't.

This is one of those movies that I can watch over and over again and never tire of it. It is also one of those movies where the more I watch it, the more I will cry to it. *sigh* Life, huh?

Expert Says: 5 Stars, have a box of tissue next to you, because you will need it!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

House Bunny

This is one of those Sunday morning movies. You know the ones? They don't have much of a plot, the acting isn't great, but the morals are good and there is a happy ending. First, every time I see Anna Faris, I think of her horrible, performance in Scary Movie. I think that movie ruined her, because I have a hard time taking her serious as an actress.

Anyway, this is definitely a movie for the younger, female crowd and no way will your man enjoy or want to see this movie. The fact that Faris is walking around half naked is irrelevant. Not even cleavage would distract him for how much he does NOT want to see this movie.

There is some humor and wittiness and some relatedness to many girls going through an "awkward" stage. I can watch this movie again, but I would prefer something else.

Expert Says: 2.5 stars, for little girls

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Shawshank Redemption

This movie is AMAZING. Let's face it, we all LOVE a good prison movie! So, if we knew that Andy Dufresne (Robbins) was guilty, we wouldn't be as happy (or at all happy) to see him escape, but he does it! I'm not telling you how either, you have to watch the movie to find out for yourself. But, what I will tell you is that it is BRILLIANT!

He gets back at the Warden, gets a shit load of money, and frees himself. This movie has it all, even the "cheerleaders" of the prison. That is just a brief part of it all.

He tells off the guards, gets close with the warden, writes to the state/feds to get a budget for more books in their library. OH! He even gets a couple packs a beer for some more inmates.

Red (Freeman) is the guy who knows how to get things and throughout this movie gives an excellent performance.

There are twists, turns, exceptions, and applause in this movie. It is one of my favorites!

Experts Says: 5 Stars, hands down!

Dead Man Walking

I never should have started watching this movie to begin with. I don't buy into the whole religion thing, and this movie was basically about the path of a Sister (Sarandon) helping a murder find God and Jesus in his heart so that he can go to heaven... Yadda, yadda, yadda... But it was a prison movie and I like prison movies and the title was really appealing.

This movie scores so points, because I learned something - lethal injection. Did you know that it's not just a really high dosage of a tranquilizer? AND it's not just 1 shot? it's 3 shots. The first, numbs the muscles. The movie says that this is so we can't see the twisting and contortion of the persons face while his insides are being demolished. The second shot, forces the lungs to collapse, or maybe it was to explode. Either way, it doesn't sound like Friday night fun. The third shot stops the heart. What I don't get is why even go through the first 2 shots? Why not just stop the heart and be done with it? *shrugs shoulders*

Okay this movie also gets a couple points, because Susan Saradon's acting in this movie is FANTASTIC. I mean, did she win an Oscar for this role? It was THAT good!

But, even those things can't take away from it's religious purpose. Plus, the guy was guilty and raped and 14 year old girl and then killed her. He deserved to die! They ALMOST have you believing that he was innocent though.

Expert Says: 3 Stars

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Bedtime Stories

I find myself liking Fantasy movies more and more, I am not sure why, I usually hate fantasy. No, I hate Sci-Fi (and I've been liking those too)!

So, this is a cute movie. Fun for the family and especially the kids. What happens? Adam Sandler (playing a character whose name I can't remember) is forced to watch his niece and nephew for a week while his sister is out of town. In an effort to get them to sleep, he tells them a bed time story; only he isn't so good at it so the kids help him out a bit. The next, he realizes that the story comes true. So, he tries to tell a bedtime story where he gets the car, the girl, and the hotel (a management position at the hotel he works at, as a handy man).

It sounds really stupid, but it entertained me, had a little humor, a couple "moral of the stories," and it got me thinking about what kind of stories I would tell if I knew they would come true the next day. First of all, I would totally wish the winning lottery ticket into me hand.

Regardless, thinks go wrong and the character (Sandler) messes everything up. Obviously, he fixes things in the end and lives happily ever after.

Expert Says: 3.5 Stars; a little better than average; good family entertainment.

Monday, October 12, 2009

A Knight's Tale

As I mention in every single movie I watch that is based in the "olden days," I love these movies!

I have to admit, playing "We Will Rock You" by Queen kind of ruined the mood. That wasn't the only time some good 'ole Rock & Roll was played during this movie either. *sigh*

Did anyone ever watch the "updated" remake of Romeo and Juliet, the one with Leonardo DeCaprio? Horrible, right? They took a good fashioned movie and tried to modernize it. This is kind of what The Knight's Tale is. A good old fashioned story that is modernized.

The only keeping this movie from getting less that 3 stars is Heath Ledger, he is brilliant as a knight and just. Yum! Oh! I must admit that I did greatly enjoy listening to the Introduction of the Knight Orik (AKA Ledger). That character did a good job too!

The fact that there was a moral of the story helps the star count too. "Change your stars." Oh! The "follow your feet" one was really good too...

Let me help you understand a little better. William (Ledger) is the son of a peasant who is following around a knight and helping him train for tournaments, etc... Said knight kills himself, so William posses as a knight. Eventually, he is dubbed a 'Sir,' makes his blind peasant father proud, changes his stars (i.e. destiny), and follows his feet home.

Expert Says: 3 Stars; poor attempt at modernization

27 Dresses

Fun MOVIE! I'm just sad it took me so long to see this one. Now, maybe I liked this movie so much, because I love weddings and I am at that stage in my life.

The only thing that I didn't like about this movie was that it had the classic romance set up. Girl likes Boy1. Boy1 doesn't like Girl. Boy2 likes Girl. Girl doesn't like Boy2. Girl finds herself in love with Boy2; thus, a happy ending. UGH! I hate that shit! It is so predictable. Like, as soon as you see Boy2 strutting into the scene with is sly smile, you just know. Oh! Look at Girl one's future husband and from there you are just viewing the events leading up to inevitable.

The events, in this story, were entertaining, funny, and witty. I found myself like Boy2!

Expert Says: 3.5 Stars; I think I'm getting stricter on my judging.

Kate & Leopold

This movie was just okay. The headline and movie description are very deceiving. Time continuum I get. Slow romance, I don't get. Choosing to live in the 1870's I get, because I am the first to admit that I should have been born "back in the day."

My problem with this movie is that the romance is too slow. It took over half the movie before Kate (Ryan) and Leopold (Jackman) had an actual date. This movie was not a romance film. Romance films are lasting throughout the whole thing. During this one, you don't really see that Leopold is attracted/likes/loves Kate. All you see is an 1870 gentleman treating a lady the way she should be treated.

I feel gypped of a good romance film.

Expert Says: 2 stars, you're not missing anything by not seeing this one

The Haunting of Molly Hartley

This movie was such a waste of time. I totally sat there and tried to make it more than what it was. Okay, so I thought scary movie, right? Well, no! I jumped like twice in the very beginning and that was it.

Throughout the whole movie all you are wondering is why everyone keeps saying, "I know who you are." Okay, me too! I know who I am too!

THEN! You find out the reason this person is hearing stuff, has serious anger, and hears things is because she died when she was born. Yup, she died. Then, someone came and offered this girl's, Molly's, parents 18 years with her. Only 18 years, and then she would belong to them. So supposedly Molly's parents sold Molly's soul to the devil. So, her Mom tries to kill her, so that she doesn't end up doing Satan's work.

Like I said, waste of time.

I have to admit, the acting was not TERRIBLE, but the plot ruins this movie like no other. Plus, I am not very picky when it comes to acting skills either.

Expert Says: 0 Stars; waste of time (did I mention waste of time?); you're not missing out by not watching this film.

Friday, October 9, 2009


This movie is just all around funny. I love Juno's (Page) sarcasm throughout. There is a lot of symbolism in this movie that shows these kids are in high school, like a hamburger phone. Really? Who had a hamburger phone? Who WANTED a hamburger phone?

I think Juno's Dad (Simmons) and step-mom (Janney) handled the situation WAY too calmly. How would you react if your [future] 16 year old daughter told you she was pregnant? I'd go through the roof! And NO WAY would I let the father of the baby get away with it. Juno's parents don't even tell the GUYS parents that he got someone knocked up! They would be the first people I called. I guess in a way it shows the typical un-involvement on the high school daddy to the [young] woman's pregnancy.

And what the heck was going on with Juno and future adoption baby daddy (Bateman)? Juno totally liked him and he seemed to like her back? But, they never crossed that invisible line. I mean, come one? As much as we wanted Bateman to leave his over the top, neat and control freak, Suzzie homemaker wife and future adoption baby momma (Garner) we would have HATED him if he tried anything with a pregnant 16 year old. So, why even SHOW the attraction in the movie?

I think Juno had one realistic moment in the movie where she was complaining that real baby daddy, Paulie (Cera) was going to prom with someone else, while she was stuck being pregnant and not going to prom. She threw a little fit and she had every right! How dare him. Pregnancy is a 'we' not a 'she.' (I just made that up, how does it sound? Good?).

I don't even know how to categorize the music in this movie. It's sort of, reggae meets alternative meets old school punk meets John Mayer??? Whatever it is... It's good.

Anyway, the movie is still funny, the sarcasm and one-liners are hilarious and I can watch it over and over again. Great job.

OH! My favorite line from the movie is when Juno was taking like her 3rd pregnancy test at the local drug store and the clerk was like, "This is one doodle that can't be undid, Home Skillet."

Expert Says: 4.5 Stars; sarcastically funny

The Gift

Giovanni Ribisi is an amazing actor and his performance in this movie proves it. UGH! It was so frustrating, because the entire time, you are left thinking, "What the hell is wrong with this kid?" He could be in love with Blanchett, he's definitely bi-polar, maybe and little schizophrenic, and there are some definite anger issues.

This movie has stories all over the place. Ribisi has a hidden childhood past and is pissed at his father for some reason.

Holmes and Jeter are getting married, but can Holmes stay faithful long enough to make it to the wedding? Or is one of her lovers going to 86 her when she tries to end it? Most likely the latter will happen.

Blanchett, a single mom of 3 boys makes her money through... reading? No, she isn't a librarian, but a fortune teller. Can she what happened to Holmes while fighting off Reeves?

Reeves, a wife beater married to Swank with a temper. Also, he is a possible suspect to Holmes death. Did he do it or was he framed?

Anyway... Like I said, this movie has many angles, that leaves jumping around from thinking one person being a killer to the other person being a killer. If it wasn't for the whole reading peoples fortune/sci-fi aspect to the movie, I would have liked it a little more. It did, however, keep me up late to see the end.

Expert Says: 3 Stars; Sci-Fi; You'll never guess who did it

Perfect Stranger

I love movies with twists and this one is no different. This movie has a little bit of everything... Online dating, murder, childhood secrets, blackmail, obsessions, and more murder.

I was watching this movie, and I was tired; I really just wanted to go to bed, but I couldn't. I HAD to find out how this movie ended and if the killer was fried for it in the end. There is some creepy/stalkerish obsession between characters played by Ribisi and Berry. Anyone ever notice hot Ribisi's characters are always super creepy?! Oh! and that the writers always make it seem as though he is the "bad guy," but it turns out he was the good guy?

I couldn't picture any other actors or actresses playing the roles in this movie. Well put together.

Expert Says: 4 Stars; you'll never guess who did it.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

10 Things I Hate About You

This movie has been playing on HBO a lot lately this month, (well at least it was in September). I finally got around to re-watching it.

The movie is about a single Dad out to destroy is teenager daughters' lives. Well, not entirely, but that is how is seems to Bianca (Oleynik), when her Dad enforces the new rule of her only being allowed to date when her older, socially challenged sister (Stiles) dates. This creates new challenges and controversies on who gets the girl in the end. Is partying, drinking, relationships, popularity, or even prom in Bianca's future?

Okay... So the movie is a little corny, a little realistic, and a lot unrealistic. But I love Heath Ledger, the music kicks ass, and everyone gets what they want in the end. Oh yea! And Bianca "beats the hell out of some guy." A chick beats up a guy? Perfect! It has good morals and the Dad is totally funny! He makes the girls walk around wearing the "baby belly." It will make any teenage girl realize her Dad isn't so strict after all.

Expert Says: 4 Stars; chick-flick; cute romance

Monday, October 5, 2009

Capitalism: A Love Story

This is the first Michael Moore film I have seen. Yes, I admit it, I was not part of the crowd that lined up to see Sicko. In fact, I don't remember that movie coming out. This could be attributed to the fact, that at the time, I could care less about universal healthcare.
I digress...

First, let me point out that I was completely shocked at the turn-out for this movie. It was a mixed crowd of all ages, sex, race, backgrounds, and walks of life. I was more shocked at the +40 years of age turn out. I usually attribute these +40 to be of the of close enough to the Baby Boomers and the vial, Republican, closed-minded, capitalism loving people they are.

Secondly, I was to put a halt to the hypocrisy of Moore versus Capitalism. You cannot criticize anyone who makes a movie about the lack of success of a capitalistic society. Yes, it is hypocrisy. It would be hypocrisy if I myself made a movie "dissing" capitalism, that does not mean a movie should not be made about it.

The irony here is that this movie is funded by Paramount Advantage, a HUGE company founded and ran by capitalists. However, Michael stated in an interview with Jay Leno that he "tricked" the company into funding it to begin with. He knew Paramount would not fund the movie he was working on, so he made them think it was a comedy about the subject. Once he had something to work off of, he showed them the documentary, knew they would like it, and viola!
Now. My opinion on the movie:

I don't like documentaries, but this is not like a documentary I have ever seen, or thought to see. It is filmed nicely, the camera quality is great, there are snippets in between takes, and it is humorous at times. Michael's affection for his home town of Flint, MI is very apparent throughout the entirety of this film.

The research and accuracy of events, statements, and encounters is hard to ignore and Michael does a great job of making his case. Hopefully, some of us 99% will heed his advice and do something about the 1%!

Paranormal Activity

Holy crap! Holy crap! Holy crap! Filmed in 2007, but more popular in 2009 this is a MUST SEE movie that will not be playing everywhere. You can see if it is playing in a theatre near you or vote for a theatre near you here. Yes, HERE!

I don't think I have been genuinely scared at a movie, since... Well, okay, since H2, but this was way different! Because after H2, I could go to sleep; after this movie, my adrenaline was pumping FAR too much to go to sleep and it took awhile for that to settle.

Don't be fooled into thinking that this movie is real! I never thought it was real, it just had me going.

Now, a lot of people have been comparing this movie to the Blair Witch Project. This can be explained do to the filming style. This is filmed much the same, with great exceptions. First, Paranormal Activity is mainly filmed from a tri pod as we are viewing the activity happening as the couple is asleep. Second, when the camera is moving, it is moving slowly and not flopping all over the place, like in The Blair Witch Project.

Another thing that makes this film so realistic and believable is that it is an Indie film, meaning no one in the movie is on the Hollywood A list, or the F list for that matter.

OH! The ending is also left open for a second movie; although building off of this would be a mistake and probbaly bomb and destroy the originality.

Expert Says: 5 Stars; if you have the chance, don't miss out on this movie!