Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Edge of Darkness

 This movie is alright. It is suspensful. I wanted, I NEEDED to know why this woman was shot, why his daughter? What did she do? I had to know. With that said, once I knew I was like Oh! Go figure. This movie is big Corporate, capitalist cover-up slash conpiracy story. Once you find out the why, you might be a little mad that you watched it.

I can compare this movie to Christmas time. So, all year you have begging, begging for a Gateway desk top computer, fully loaded with everything imaginable. You see a rather large box wrapped under the tree with your name on it. You know this is it! It is your Gateway computer. You open it... And guess what? It's a T.V.

Now, you are not ungrateful. A T.V. is nice too, but it is not the computer you have been asking for all year.

Experts Says: 3 Stars, Disappointment

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I loved this movie when I was a little girl! In fact, I am sure if I watched it today, I would still love it! It is a tale of a neglicted little girl, who is forced to go to this school where there is a HORRIBLE principle who still thinks we're living in the Dungens Era, because she has the closet that she puts kids in. The awfulness of this principle and how Matilda overcomes it is exciting. It will make every little girl wish she had those powers. She struggles between using this for good and bad; however, it is a good thing she has a teacher who is sweeter than Honey.

Experts Says: 4 Stars, cutest movie for little girls.

Monday, September 20, 2010

The Town

It is just another bank heist movie, but it's SOOO good! I love movies that have trickery in them, I don't mean Red Herrings. I mean, the characters thought this shit through and they have a plan, a plan to execute, and plan of escape! *crack the whip* This one had it all, mixed in a love story, and some she's-not-my-baby-momma-drama.

Blake Lively will amaze you with her skankiness and piss you off at the same time. Stupid hooker! I could have done without the last 5 scond screen shot of the movie. Directors are always fucking up the closing of a movie. *sigh*

Regardless, this is a must see, don't take the kids though, within the first 10 minutes we get a little bit of steamy action. And WHO the hell... Names their child Shine!? Crack heads...

Experts Says: 4.5 Stars, Exceptionally Entertaining

Friday, September 17, 2010

Food, INC

Why didn't anyone tell me in 2008 about this movie? I know I could have avoided gaining 20 pounds in the last year! Let me just say this movie is a huge eye opener to where our food comes from. Not only where it comes from, but how it is raised. I literally dry heaved through 25% of the movie. If you eat like shit, if you can't seem to loose that last 5 pounds, or if you are having trouble strating a new diet, this movie will definitly cure all those concerns and put you on the right track! I know it did for me! In fact, my household is now taking steps to go completly vegan!!!

Expert Says: 5 Stars, very scary, very informative

From Paris With Love

Now, I might be biased rating this movie, because I am a HUGE John Travolta fan, but I liked it! And oh my is he continuing to put on weight!

If it wasn't for John Travolta being in this movie, I would rate it 2.5. The story just isn't that great or intriguing. Although, the "mission" isn't what you think it is. Basically, John Travolta makes this movie! He is hilarious and ruthless and I love it! There is a perfect balance between Travolta and Meyers which may or may not be entirely needed, but it works!

Expert Says: 3.5 Stars, definitly funny, and interesting

The Runaways

Loved, loved, loved this movie! It's hilarious when it shouldn't be! It's raunchy when it should be! And it made me want to get drunk and pop some pills! Dakota Fanning, bless her! I have not seen a movie of hers that I have not liked. She was amazing! Crazy amazing, I was watching it thinking I can't believe this is Dakota Fanning! The role seems so out of her element, yet she NAILS it! Kristen Stewart played a role that fit her SOOO perfectly! They couldn't have hired a better cast! Michael Shannon made this movie! With his sexual puns, that were not so discreet and his 70's sex, sex, sex attitude. He had me cracking up the whole time! OH how I wish I was apart of the 70's. Then again, maybe it is a good thing that I wasn't. Oh and did I mention I love The Runaway's music and Joan Jett's of course!

Expert Says: 4.5 Stars, all adults will enjoy

Shutter Island

I waited over a YEAR to see this movie! I think it was March or April of 2009 that I first saw the previews for this movie, and I bounced in my seat saying, "oh oh oh! I HAVE to see that." Then, I found out it didn't even come out in theatres for A YEAR! A YEAR! How DUMB! Just dumb! The suspense was killing me! I was dying of curiousity. The movie came out, it got mixed reviews, my interst was still peaked, but I didn't get to make it. Thanks to Netflix I finally got to watch it. I wasn't impressed. I think I was expecting a different plot.

The previews were very deciving to what was actually going to happen, which is how it should be. BUT I WANTED it to be about the previews! I wanted it to play out perfectly in my head the way I thought it would and it didn't.

There are some good things to this movie. First, I liked the acting, and the plot wasn't HORRBILE, it just wasn't what I wanted. I wanted more terror. Think horror movie in an insane asylum! Instead, what I got was a not so greatly written psychological thriller. Throught the movie I was on my toes wondering what would be happening next, because they honestly gave NO clues! Then the ending! Oh my the ending! What is the truth? Is he crazy? Or are they only trying to make him THINK he is crazy? It is up to you to decide.

Experts Says: 3.5 Stars, disappointing yet thrilling

Interview with a Vampire

I LIKED it! Very creepy! Not like weird creepy, but spine tingling creepy. It was cool how they took us through the rebirth of this undead creature and then told us the story of his life. That's what this basically is, it is the tales of one vampire's life as an undead. It's amazing. The thirst, the struggle to not take life, the changing of a little girl and her struggle to not grow up. The little girl in this movie is played by Kirsten Dunst. She is AMAZING in this movie! WOW! She does such a great job and if it were my decision to make, I would say this is the best performance of her career! Pay attention until the very end, because there is one last plot twist that will make you go, "what the..."

Expert Says: 3.5 Stars, a little slow, but worth sitting through

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Lovely Bones

There is SOOOO much symbolizism in this movie it is ridculous. I remember there being quite a bit of symbolism in the book, but the movie portrays it to be so young. The whole movie is scripted as though it were written for a 12 year old to enjoy. I remember the book being much more adult, granted I was 14 when I read it. The movie was really lame, I don't remember it portraying the book entirely. Mark Wahlberg even did a shitty job of acting in this movie.

Expert Says: 0 Stars, Disappointing 

The Crazies

Stupid! Stupid movie! It started out all intriguing, it had my whole attention, a crazy guy bringing a gun to the middle of a baseball field during a game. It started getting stupid, the moment it turned from weird crazy people going mad for no reason, to weird crazy people going mad because of the government. It's always the fucking government and I can really go a very long, long time without having to watch another government conspiracy movie.

Expert Says: 1 Star, Stupid movie, not funny, or suspenseful


I'm not even going to lie to you... The plot of this movie is absolutely STUPID! Just stupid! The acting is very poor, the plot, what plot? It isn't even laugh out loud funny. Just dumb. I knew this before I watched it. I knew it was what I like to call a "stoner movie." You know the ones that would only be funny if you were high, which isn't funny at all. Yet I watched it anyway, and it was still stupid. There was some humor. I liked how they through the rules in there, and the sisters cracked me up. But the story was still horrible along with the acting.

Expert Says: 2 Stars, Stupid, Stoner Movie

The Bucket List

I've tried countless times since this movie came out to watch it. I've seen piece and parts of it, but finally I watched it last night! Very entertaining, and funny. There are definitly some sad parts and tear jerking moments. The ideas portrayed are memorable and there are many "life lessons" brought out during this film. The most important being, life is short and live life to the fullest.

Expert Says: 4 Stars, Classic, Entertaining, Memorable

Monday, September 13, 2010

The Step-Father

I wasn't impressed with this movie. The ending was so stupid! SO STUPID! I am completely over the typical ending, "He died! Or did he?" Can't we just fucking kill someone and leave his ass dead, already? There was some suspense, it was a little rivoting, but I am glad I didn't stand in line at the box office to buy tickets for it. Get it on Netflicks it's not worth your money!

Expert Says: 3.5 Stars, Good remake, lacks a little in interest, some suspense

Charlie St. Cloud

So CUTE! It is really predictable, except for the girl! That was a surprise! It was emotionally rivoting, I think my total tear count was at 200 during this movie. This is what I like to call a Sunday morning movie. You don't need to pay a lot of attention to it, it has a mellow tone, and doesn't get you too excited.

Expert Says: 3.5 Stars, tear jerker, guys will think it's lame


Psychological thriller for sure! This movie will keep you guessing until the very end. It's one of those things where you KNOW something is wrong, they TELL you something is wrong, but you have no idea what it is. I like this movie so much. The idea of changing ones thoughts! INSANE! CRAZY! And the end is open to many interpretations!!!

Expert Says: 5 Stars, See it twice!