Friday, October 8, 2010

The Social Network

Jesse Eisenberg, we saw him in Zombieland (the movie I disliked but still reccommended); I'm still liking him. We could probably say by now he has a natural dry humor and is fairly sarcastic himself. Either that or directors see him as that and keep casting him in those roles. And for some reason he keeps reminding me of Michael Cera in Juno.

The Winklevoss twin take me back to the school yard and fighting over the sand box, and was I following along correctly? A 65 million dollar settlement? Which included a confidentiality agreement? Guess that's all shot to hell! Thank you David Fincher and Columbia Pictures.

I was impressed. It is not a Documentary like I thought (goes to show how much I watch previews). It was not a chronological tale of "how Mark Zuckerberg made his millions." This is witty tale about a couple college students who start a business, and get over their heads, all while trying and succeeding in screwing one another over. Brilliance at it's best.

Raise your hand if you are addicited to Facebook? Now, keep your hand raised if you know anything about it's beginnings, or more specifically that Sean Parker dipped his greedy, nasty, self-absorbed fingers into the profits? Really? Well, the point was to say how much Justin Timberlake looks like shit in this movie. Someone, please, tell me it was make-up that made his jar hidiously square and gave the illusion of cellulite on his cheeks? Please. Well played. Well played.

The movie is laugh-out-loud funny (who the hell started this saying?). I was laughing after every other line. If you enjoy sarcasm, wittiness, or just want to hate on Justin's cellulite cheeks this is the movie for you to go see. I have no doubt in my mind that all the actors accurately depictied each inidividual character, and if they didn't that is a shame.

Expert Says: 5 Stars, Witty, Brilliant, Hilarious

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